Sunday, January 17, 2010

Discipline and Tastes of Home

Most of the time, I have to have music going in the background. I just like music and I've collected a lot of it and I see no end to that habit in the future. In fact, I've been a subscriber to eMusic for two years now (I think), maybe three and I've recently spent quite a bit of time on their website of late because they have greatly expanded their collection. In three days, my "saved for later" page exploded from 18 to 63 selections. Some of those selections are simple placeholders for artists who have more than one album that I have in my sights.

As a result, I'm currently figuring out who I could invite to eMusic who would join and subsequently score me 45 credits in free music. Hmmm . . . .

However, the past few days have found me streaming MPR 89.3 The Current from the Twin Cities. The Current has been a return to radio for me. I may not always like what song is on, but as a body and what it does, I love almost every minute of The Current. Like most stations, one learns that it's not immune to overplaying songs. The difference is that it's not cruddy commercial radio, which is just lacking something for my tastes.

I've had internet in my room for almost three weeks now and I'm surprised that it took me this long to remember about streaming The Current. I'm both ashamed and relieved.

I have reached a point where I've re-entered an exercise regimen. I'm not out of shape by any means, but I'm not in the physical condition that I prefer. I've started small and haven't gotten back into my full yoga practice, but I do little one-minute stretches of yoga. This will be another stage in my physical maintenance in that I'll be attempting to balance the building of slender muscle mass and maintaining the development of sinewy strength and flexibility through yoga.

We'll see how it goes. I usually don't like to be slow and patient about things. I want to be back up to speed NOW!

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