I'm going to adjust the terms of my project. I cannot commit to writing daily posts.
I left freelance writing because it had become a rat race. I love writing, but I gain more pleasure right now out of writing when I feel. Deadlines are not solid or significant. I hope someday to re-establish writing as a means to supplement or generate income and on as many of my own terms as possible, but that moment is not now.
One of my greatest frustrations is that I cannot do everything that I set my mind to. The limitation is not ability, but time. I refuse to believe that I must give up my passions to survive in this world, this culture and I shall continue to work from the basis of that belief.
It's all a balancing act, and I suppose that subjecting myself to such situations is my own personal form of defiance against a thing or two as well as wages of my life choice. I'm even having difficulty balancing improv, acting, and clowning prospects; all are things I like to do, all are things at which I wish to excel, all are things in which I feel I don't yet excel enough. I get frustrated with having an embarrassment of riches and having to choose one pursuit over another, but it's preferable to the alternative.
I will always be "black and nerdy" and I believe that I can still write well and eventually for pay once more (and for more than I did the first go). I just have to be okay with letting my writing ambitions take a back seat for the time being and push back the push back to freelancing and beyond.
I left freelance writing because it had become a rat race. I love writing, but I gain more pleasure right now out of writing when I feel. Deadlines are not solid or significant. I hope someday to re-establish writing as a means to supplement or generate income and on as many of my own terms as possible, but that moment is not now.
One of my greatest frustrations is that I cannot do everything that I set my mind to. The limitation is not ability, but time. I refuse to believe that I must give up my passions to survive in this world, this culture and I shall continue to work from the basis of that belief.
It's all a balancing act, and I suppose that subjecting myself to such situations is my own personal form of defiance against a thing or two as well as wages of my life choice. I'm even having difficulty balancing improv, acting, and clowning prospects; all are things I like to do, all are things at which I wish to excel, all are things in which I feel I don't yet excel enough. I get frustrated with having an embarrassment of riches and having to choose one pursuit over another, but it's preferable to the alternative.
I will always be "black and nerdy" and I believe that I can still write well and eventually for pay once more (and for more than I did the first go). I just have to be okay with letting my writing ambitions take a back seat for the time being and push back the push back to freelancing and beyond.
Good choice. One thing at a time means you get really good at the things you do instead of feel bad about it.