Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just So You Know

Just so you guys know, I have not declared "your mom" statements as being off the table.

For example, such an exchange with me is still all right:

Me: "That doesn't quite match the first one."
You: "Your mom doesn't quite match the first one."

Really. I mean it. Besides, someone has already tested that social boundary and I was okay with it then. Sure, there was a respectful pause and a "Too soon?", but there was also a sigh of relief as I assured the person in question that I was not going to rail on them and even welcomed the idea that if something is serious, sacred, or close to one's heart, that it can still be fuel for the pursuit of laughter and release.

I loved my Mom and yes I miss her, but despite her outward reactions, she enjoyed a nice not-quite-nice quip every now and then.

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