Sunday, March 7, 2010

Early Greenery

I found that while I was walking around a couple of days ago (since I seem to put off writing the blog on anything resembling a daily basis) I was marveling at how many people were out and about. What's the deal? Don't kids have school?

It was Saturday. My life of being occasionally oblivious to the rhythms of the rest of the working world continues apace.

Walking along my favorite arcade I was also instantly reminded that the St. Patrick's Day parade was going to be today. As I walked up toward Osu Kannon temple, I spotted people wearing green and orange and green. Seeing this in Japan was a bit odd. Imagine my surprise when I reached the courtyard of the temple to see a big glass of Guinness playing with children and taking pics with energetic adults. One woman (American or Canadian) was teaching Irish dancing to a group of people and there was a group of Japanese playing trad music. It was a tad surreal.

It's been raining a lot so far this week, so there should be plenty of greenery in coming weeks.

I even bought a few more CDs and a really juicy gorgonzola cheeseburger. I may have to do something about this CD habit. Or I can just buy anime soundtracks for cheap and then sell them on eBay. That'd be a way to make some of the money back!

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